This whole article is important, but this point (number 12 of 13) really stands out. Drone strikes have increased dramatically under Obama, and many civilians are being killed. There is no real oversight. We gain no intelligence.
If you refuse to exploit prisoners, you’ll end up killing your enemies instead. All three panelists trashed the Obama-era conceit that we’re a better country because we’ve scrapped the interrogation program. What we’ve really done, they argued, is replace interrogations with drone strikes. “We have made it so legally difficult and so politically dangerous to capture,” said Hayden, “that it seems, from the outside looking in, that the default option is to take the terrorists off the battlefield in another sort of way.” Rizzo agreed, and he paraphrased The Godfather to suggest that the new policy is bloody and stupid: “You can’t kill everybody.”
via The case for torture: Ex-CIA officials explain “enhanced” interrogations. – Slate Magazine.