Rybak wants support from firearms manufacturers against gun violence | Minnesota Public Radio News

Well, this may be a step leading to gun control for police officers. Which I fully support; if I don’t need a weapon for defense, why do the police need them?

Rybak told members of the City Council’s Public Safety and Civil Rights Committee that he and mayors from approximately 60 cities are taking a closer look at the companies that manufacture the guns and ammunition that cities buy for police officers.

He said over the past eight years the city has spent nearly $800,000 on guns and ammunition. Rybak, who supports stricter gun control laws, wants to work with firearms manufacturers to reduce gun-related crime and violence. He wants to know if those companies also are lobbying against tighter gun laws.

“If we find out they’re not partners, and if we find out they’re working against us, then we all ought to have a conversation as taxpayers about whether our dollars should be used for people who are not working to reduce gun violence,” Rybak said.

via Rybak wants support from firearms manufacturers against gun violence | Minnesota Public Radio News.